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Behavioral Science Workshop

Behavior Science case study

Behavioral Science Workshop


Canadian Cancer Society


Train employees in behavioral science applications to enhance fundraising strategies.

Our Approach

The training consisted of two sessions designed to integrate behavioral science with fundraising techniques.

Session 1: Introduced behavioral science through Daniel Kahneman’s two-system theory, illustrating its relevance with examples from both product marketing and fundraising.

Session 2: Built upon the foundational concepts from the first session, focusing on applying behavioral science to cultivate donor loyalty. This session included an interactive worksheet to reinforce learning and application of the concepts.

The Result

Participation: 117 employees from across Canada attended the sessions.
Feedback: Received an average rating of 4.4/5 in the post-session surveys.

The Impact

55% of participants reported gaining a thorough understanding of how behavioral science can enhance fundraising.

Over 85% recognized elements of behavioral science in their day-to-day work, indicating successful integration of the training content into their operational mindset.